Cavan wants the life of young people to be more interesting. Young people should be able to better realize their natural desires, such as reading, having fun, playing sports, making new friends, loving, being loved, building a good career.



Dear young man, Cavan wants to see you as a patriot. Work tirelessly for the development of Azerbaijan!

Voluntary movement

You will be a part of our team by volunteering with Cavan. You will gain experience by volunteering at events. This experience will always help you in your future career. We want to see you as a Young Volunteer!

International events

By becoming a member of Cavan, you will have a chance to participate in international events. You will take part in events and promote Azerbaijan in the world!

17 March

“Azərbaycan Qadını” Forumu keçiriləcək

17 mart 2019-cu il tarixində Azərbaycan Respublikasının Gənclər Fondunun maliyyə dəstəyi və “Cavan” Gənclər Hərəkatı İctimai Birliyinin tərəfdaşlığı ilə XI qrant müsabiqəsinin qalibi Günay Məhərrəmlinin “Azərbaycan Qadını” Forumu keçiriləcək.

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